Church House Store








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Church House Store 

Welcome to the Church House Store that brings fun Bible characters to your front door. The great thing about these items is that you can add or remove the text on these before you buy them. You are able to customize it before you purchase it. What a great thing!  However some items may have words in the picture itself and are not editable.

Got a VBS coming up? If you play games then you could buy a bunch of really cheap prizes and then have a grand prize such as our VBS shirt, VBS Mug, or VBS Apron to give out as the grand prize winner.

If you need to change the name on the VBS theme then you can change that to fit your theme of your Church. That is what makes these items perfect. We will be adding more items periodically. In the mean time if you see a clipart picture below that you want and we don't have it on a product yet then just shoot me an email and I will get it put on there for you.

Email Me.


 Bible people clipart pictures

we can put on products.
Church House Store

 Animal clipart pictures

we can put on products.

Church House Store