Happy Birthday Jesus Drink Umbrella's Parasols

                              Happy Birthday Jesus

                            Drink Parasol/Umbrella's

Happy birthday Jesus template-Color

This will be so easy for you to put together for a Happy Birthday Jesus Party. Just print our template and cut them out. Take your scissors and make a cut where the gray line is. Overlap your cut piece on top of each other to make an umbrella. Put a small piece of tape underneath.

Next take your glue gun and turn your umbrella upside down. Now put a drop of hot glue in the middle. Take a toothpick and stick down in the hot glue. Hold for a few seconds until it cools. Now tape this to a small white stryrofoam cup. Fill this will snacks like popcorn or cereal or fill it with drinks. I filled ours up with drinks.

*You could bake a cake and frost it, and write HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS on the top. If you don't have icing to write that out then you could always make cupcakes instead. We have a Happy Birthday Jesus Cupcake Wrapper Template that goes around the cupcakes. String some Happy Birthday Jesus Banners up on a table or on the ceiling along with some balloons.

Happy Birthday Jesus Drink Umbrella's Parasols
Happy Birthday Jesus Drink Umbrella's Parasols
Happy Birthday Jesus Drink Umbrella's Parasols
Happy Birthday Jesus Drink Umbrella's Parasols
Happy Birthday Jesus Drink Umbrella's Parasols
Happy Birthday Jesus Drink Umbrella's Parasols
Happy Birthday Jesus Drink Umbrella's Parasols