The Parable Of The Mustard Seed

Card Craft

(Matthew 13:31-32)

  • Mustard Seed Boy Template (Printable Version)
  • Matthew 13:31-32 Template (Printable Version)
  • Stick Glue
  • Mustard Seeds (from walmart)
  • Construction Paper (cut in half)
  • Crayons or Markers
  • Googly Eyes

Cut construction paper in half.
Fold the half in half.
Cut one of the boys out and glue it to front of card.
Cut scripture template out and glue to inside of card.
Color the boys face and eyes.
Add googly eyes (optional)
Glue mustard seeds on the black dots of the template you printed out.

Our take on it: Cute small card for kids to make. Be sure to cut the construction paper in half when doing this. If you don't the print outs will be too small for it. This is a great craft for teaching on the parable of the sower. You can also glue googly eyes to your picture. We didn't glue any in this picture below, but it will look cuter if you did.